Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs…

Excel­lent train­ing — the Foun­da­tions course was a great entry point for learn­ing about my new career path as a pro­gram manager.

I recent­ly had the plea­sure of par­tic­i­pat­ing in Loud­er Than Ten’s Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course that exceed­ed all my expec­ta­tions. It was an absolute game-chang­er for me, and I high­ly rec­om­mend it to any­one look­ing to enhance their project man­age­ment skills.

Abby and Loud­er than Ten pro­vid­ed an amaz­ing two-part vir­tu­al cus­tom train­ing course for our youth cli­mate change vol­un­teers. She helped us learn invalu­able project man­age­ment skills, work­ing through rel­e­vant sce­nar­ios as a team. Abby was flex­i­ble and client-cen­tred. The ses­sions were engag­ing, prac­ti­cal, and inter­ac­tive — get­ting every­one involved and sur­fac­ing impor­tant orga­ni­za­tion­al issues for us to be mind­ful of as we under­take future projects and enhance exist­ing project work. Abby pro­vid­ed our team with the skills, tools, and resources required to become effec­tive project man­agers. Over­all, she exceed­ed our expec­ta­tions for a rel­e­vant, youth-cen­tred capac­i­ty-build­ing ses­sion, sup­port­ing us as indi­vid­u­als to improve our skills and also equip our team to have greater cli­mate impact. We received plen­ty of pos­i­tive feed­back from par­tic­i­pants. I would rec­om­mend Abby and Loud­er than Ten to any­one look­ing for expert project man­age­ment and capac­i­ty-build­ing sup­port tai­lored to your organization’s needs. Thanks again Abby!

If you’re look­ing to lev­el up in your career, this is it. The pro­gram is incred­i­bly com­pre­hen­sive, and the train­ers are some of the best out there. The mas­ter­class is a must-do for any­body who is look­ing to han­dle com­plex projects in fast-paced envi­ron­ments. All-in-all, I loved how prac­ti­cal, con­cise, and enjoy­able Loud­er Than Ten is.

Abby Fretz is an incred­i­ble PM train­er and on top of her vast expe­ri­ence and cre­den­tials, she is incred­i­bly intu­itive and able to speak to every prob­lem and/​or sit­u­a­tion with both thought­ful­ness and a firm opinion/​direction. She leads her lessons with kind­ness and the kind of approach­a­bil­i­ty you want from a coach, void of judge­ment, a depth of empa­thy and best of all: full of solu­tions. I’m a per­son who strug­gles with office pol­i­tics and she was always open to get real and go there with me, which meant a lot because I believe this is a huge part of a PM role— to nav­i­gate pol­i­tics and per­son­al­i­ties in the work­place. The lessons unde­ni­ably add val­ue to the PM’s world + process and even with my 8 years of expe­ri­ence, I learned new things every ses­sion and could­n’t have been more excit­ed to imple­ment them! The cohorts are small enough to get to know each oth­er, and I’m grate­ful for the friends and com­mu­ni­ty I’m walk­ing away with. Thanks Abby and LT10!

I can’t rec­om­mend Loud­er Than Ten PM Appren­tice­ship and Mas­ter­class train­ing enough. The vari­ety and wealth of resources are wide and deep, the com­mu­ni­ty is thought-pro­vok­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tive in prob­lem-solv­ing, and the staff at Loud­er than Ten is top-notch.

Just fin­ished up the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course with instruc­tor Abby and it went swim­ming­ly! I real­ly like the com­mu­ni­ty that LTT has cre­at­ed and it’s awe­some being part of their Slack chan­nel. Would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend for PMs!

Loud­er Than Ten helped to unite our project man­age­ment team, enhance our process­es, and improve inter-depart­men­tal communication.

Greg Henry President & Founding Partner at Push10

I’m excit­ed to rec­om­mend Loud­er Than Ten to any­one inter­est­ed in becom­ing a Project Man­ag­er. I’m new to the PM world and com­plet­ing the appren­tice­ship. I found the Foun­da­tions Course to be extreme­ly help­ful. All of the instruc­tors have been so help­ful and the com­mu­ni­ty is top notch. Make sure you check them out!

Before Loud­er Than Ten, we were doing alright — we would even say great if you asked us on a good day. Sure, there were things that didn’t always go the way we want­ed them to, but we were get­ting by. Enter Loud­er Than Ten. Our cohort train­er, Abby, con­tin­u­al­ly encour­aged us to ask the why” behind the way we were doing things and patient­ly men­tored (and in some cas­es, dragged) us to iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ty areas for real sys­temic change to our organization’s process and oper­a­tions. The cur­ricu­lum seemed to per­fect­ly align with the jour­ney we need­ed to take as an agency to iden­ti­fy process areas that would great­ly ben­e­fit from bet­ter effi­cien­cies and cre­ativ­i­ty. Com­ing through the Loud­er Than Ten course, we are now in an incred­i­bly empow­er­ing posi­tion. We know what areas we need to work on and, thanks to Loud­er Than Ten, we are now more equipped than ever to tack­le them. I ful­ly rec­om­mend Loud­er Than Ten (and Abby!!) to any Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er no mat­ter your expe­ri­ence lev­el. Bet­ter yet, take this course as an agency team. You will only get bet­ter, trust me.

Excel­lent project man­age­ment train­ing from love­ly peo­ple. We worked with Loud­er Than Ten as a team through a peri­od of tran­si­tion in our orga­ni­za­tion. They were adapt­able and flex­i­ble in work­ing with us through a time of change.

The mate­r­i­al that the team has put togeth­er is fan­tas­tic and very well thought through. This is the train­ing I wish I had 10 years ago when I start­ed as a dig­i­tal PM.

Even more than the train­ing itself, the train­ers are amaz­ing and the com­mu­ni­ty of cur­rent stu­dents and alum­ni are help­ful to be con­nect­ed to. I would high­ly rec­om­mend train­ing from Loud­er Than Ten for any­one who is work­ing on projects in a dig­i­tal context.

Out of the changes I imple­ment­ed, came a dras­tic increase in prof­itabil­i­ty. For projects that required a long-term engage­ment (min. 6 months), our new meth­ods of scop­ing, risk mit­i­ga­tion, and esti­ma­tion yield­ed an increase in prof­it up to 23%. For small­er main­te­nance tasks, I cre­at­ed a min­i­mum engage­ment amount, and in some cas­es, increased rev­enue by up to 463%. By cre­at­ing, sell­ing, and run­ning a new ser­vice offer­ing, I was able to gen­er­ate over $100,000 with­in the first 8 months.

I high­ly rec­om­mend this course for any­one out there, who wants to grow in their field with­in dig­i­tal or Project man­age­ment sec­tor. The Foun­da­tion of Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment cur­ricu­lum was very strong, in depth and was so appar­ent that a lot of research was spent on it. Abby and Rachel are both amaz­ing teachers.

I would strong­ly rec­om­mend this course for any­one look­ing to enhance their project man­age­ment skills in a way that focus­es on what real­ly mat­ters — clear­ing a path to let the project team get things done while mak­ing sure every­one, both the team and our clients, remain hap­py and healthy along the way.

My expe­ri­ence with the team at LT10 was excel­lent. Rachel was a huge help in build­ing out a cus­tom train­ing course that met the needs of my team and I, and Abby was an out­stand­ing train­er. I real­ly enjoyed the course con­tent — it focused on build­ing our prac­ti­cal PM skills to sup­port project suc­cess, bal­anced with a focus on team health, because we’re all humans and we can’t suc­ceed in work if we aren’t oper­at­ing sus­tain­ably. And the val­ue of the pro­gram goes way beyond just the stuff we cov­er in class — it was great being part of the LT10 com­mu­ni­ty, tak­ing part in lab ses­sions with oth­er cohorts, and attend­ing AMAs with cool guests and gain­ing great insights. I’ve real­ly enjoyed my time with LT10 and am look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing on as part of the community.

Abby did an incred­i­ble job teach­ing us, break­ing down the top­ics, and orga­niz­ing the group’s thoughts. I feel like I had learned so much from the course’s con­tent but also from the group’s inter­ac­tions on the var­i­ous sub­jects. I have already start­ed imple­ment­ing many of the strate­gies we had learned and can’t wait to imple­ment more!

We enrolled one of our team on to the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions pro­gram and it’s been fan­tas­tic. There have been loads of new ideas for us to dis­cuss and cru­cial­ly it’s giv­en us more con­fi­dence to refine our process­es and improve the ser­vice we offer to clients. I’d rec­om­mend the pro­gram to any agency that wants to devel­op the oper­a­tional side of its busi­ness. We start­ed to see the ben­e­fits of the course ear­ly on, and I’ve lit­tle doubt it will pay for itself in no time at all.

My expe­ri­ence with Loud­er Than Ten was not was I expect­ed… It was bet­ter… The pro­gram is wholis­tic. The course mate­r­i­al, sup­ple­men­tal read­ings, videos, labs, 1 – 21s, even the cohort sizes… all come togeth­er to not only make you a bet­ter PM but in fact a stronger and bet­ter human. I also appre­ci­at­ed that the instruc­tors were invest­ed. I felt and they demon­strat­ed that their goal was to ensure my learn­ing and devel­op­ment ver­sus rush­ing me through the pro­gram to move on to the next group.

We put two rock­star PMs through Dig­i­tal PM Foun­da­tions and they’ve come out – even MORE rock­star. The impact­ful ideas and the imple­men­ta­tion process they’ve tak­en is amaz­ing. We’re already see­ing the impact to the work around the work, and our over­all per­for­mance as a team – and I have no doubt in 6 months from now we’ll be able to mea­sure a 10X return. Thank you LT10 team, we’ll be back for more!

Kyle Dutka Co-Founder at pb+j

I have been work­ing in my indus­try for over 20 years as a suc­cess­ful Fash­ion Styl­ist, organ­i­cal­ly adding skills like Art Direc­tion and Pro­duc­ing over the years. I came to a point in my career where pro­duc­ing and Project Man­age­ment became more of a focus, and edu­ca­tion was need­ed to evolve my career. Loud­er Than Ten was that edu­ca­tion I need­ed through their Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment course, taught by the fan­tas­tic Abby Fretz! At first, I pre­ma­ture­ly pan­icked, think­ing I was out of my league not being a Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er at a tech agency like many of my fel­low stu­dents. Abby quick­ly helped me under­stand how to relate the course to my indus­try as a pro­duc­er but, most notably, how to struc­ture and orga­nize my clients. The prop­er appli­ca­tions of tech­niques like sched­ul­ing, project scop­ing, and agile work­flows have increased my pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and low­ered the stress of being a one-per­son show. Thank you, Rachel, Travis and Abby, for giv­ing me the boost in con­fi­dence I need­ed to grow into a thriv­ing, well-round­ed, inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tion company.

I can’t say enough good about my expe­ri­ence! From the eas­i­ly acces­si­ble tech sup­port to get set­up on sys­tems, to the amaz­ing instruc­tor who shared so much invalu­able knowl­edge, I am so grate­ful for this course. I also love the alum­ni com­mu­ni­ty that allows us to con­tin­ue to share tips.

For any own­er of a ser­vice busi­ness, Loud­er Than Ten is an excel­lent short and long term resource for con­tin­u­ing to run an effi­cient, prof­itable, and peo­ple friend­ly busi­ness. If you’re think­ing about improv­ing the effi­cien­cy of your agency and the qual­i­ty of life for your team, LT10 is who you should turn to.

I hired a Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er and imme­di­ate­ly signed her up for the 1‑year Appren­tice­ship pro­gram. With­in a cou­ple months, the val­ue was clear­ly vis­i­ble to every­one on the team. A year lat­er, our DPM is a grad­u­ate of LT10 and has reshaped the way we work for the bet­ter. She was a star before LT10 and now she’s a super­star. If you’re an own­er, invest in your PM by giv­ing them this com­mu­ni­ty to learn from.

The LT10 team is amaz­ing at what they do! The sup­port, ded­i­ca­tion, encour­age­ment and gen­uine inter­est in see­ing oth­ers thrive is inspi­ra­tional. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful that our paths have crossed.

I can­not rec­om­mend LT10 high­ly enough. Myself and sev­er­al oth­er design­ers based in LA took the 3‑month Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment foun­da­tions course. The qual­i­ty and prac­ti­cal­i­ty of the insights and learn­ings, com­bined with high qual­i­ty, engag­ing, car­ing instruc­tion made every Thurs­day for 3 months invalu­able. I feel con­fi­dent and bet­ter equipped to nav­i­gate the many facets of man­ag­ing a healthy project. A last word of praise for Rachel and the team, and the com­mu­ni­ty they’ve built with LT10. Incred­i­bly kind, thought­ful, sharp, and insight­ful peo­ple. If you are won­der­ing whether LT10’s offer­ings are worth your mon­ey, I guar­an­tee that by the end of the course, you’ll think you under-paid.

Loud­er Than Ten has an extra­or­di­nary group of pro­fes­sion­als who sup­port their stu­dents and make the learn­ing process effec­tive. The com­mu­ni­ty they built is amaz­ing and helps nav­i­gate the com­pli­cat­ed world of project man­age­ment. The Dig­i­tal PM Foun­da­tions Course gives a full pic­ture of project man­age­ment, as well as spe­cif­ic rec­om­men­da­tions for every project phase. It also shares psy­cho­log­i­cal and oth­er hints for a project man­ag­er, which is also extreme­ly helpful.

The Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course was fan­tas­tic. This isn’t like some down­load­able PDF that will tell you how to imple­ment a project man­age­ment sys­tem. Instead, it is live per­son­al train­ing that can pro­vide the back­bone of a team-cen­tered cus­tom process that, once set up, will serve your orga­ni­za­tion imme­di­ate­ly and through its evolution.

If you are look­ing for more than just a pro­gram but a com­mu­ni­ty, Loud­er Than 10 is for you. When I first start­ed the pro­gram I did not know what to expect because I have tak­en online cours­es before but not one as immer­sive as this one. Rachel and Travis onboard­ed me well and a world of doc­u­men­ta­tion resources and peo­ple resources were opened up to me. The cohort sizes are small which allows for an inti­mate inter­ac­tion between your col­leagues and the instruc­tor. Speak­ing of the instruc­tor they have an absolute gem in Abby. She is so knowl­edge­able about what she is teach­ing and offers gen­tle push­es and reas­sur­ance through­out the course. I was pushed passed what I thought I would get out of this course and was able to make a com­plete career change. Loud­er Than 10 is com­mit­ted to the peo­ple and not just the work and that is what sets it apart from oth­er pro­grams like it. The best part is when it’s all over you have the option to stay with­in the com­mu­ni­ty and con­tin­ue to build with oth­ers and your under­stand­ing. I have suc­cess­ful­ly worked on projects in the real world with the knowl­edge I gained. You will not be disappointed!

I grad­u­at­ed from the Loud­er Than Ten Appren­tice­ship in Feb 2020, mov­ing from my role as a web devel­op­er to my cur­rent role as a dig­i­tal project man­ag­er. The men­tor­ship and per­son­al­ized coach­ing I received from Rachel Gertz and the team at LT10 were incred­i­ble and the pos­i­tive changes that came out of this expe­ri­ence still amaze me!

Rachel, my class­mates, and the very active alum­ni net­work helped me form strate­gies to roll-out orga­ni­za­tion-wide improve­ments through work­shops and our week­ly ses­sions. There is a big focus through­out the pro­gram on align­ment and cre­at­ing allies to help make pos­i­tive change, and it works.

Out of the changes I imple­ment­ed, came a dras­tic increase in prof­itabil­i­ty. For projects that required a long-term engage­ment (min. 6 months), our new meth­ods of scop­ing, risk mit­i­ga­tion, and esti­ma­tion yield­ed an increase in prof­it up to 23%. For small­er main­te­nance tasks, I cre­at­ed a min­i­mum engage­ment amount, and in some cas­es, increased rev­enue by up to 463%. By cre­at­ing, sell­ing, and run­ning a new ser­vice offer­ing, I was able to gen­er­ate over $100,000 with­in the first 8 months.

If you are a busi­ness look­ing to invest in train­ing for dig­i­tal project man­age­ment, this is the pro­gram you’re look­ing for.

Enroll, you won’t regret it!

I’ve worked in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing for ten years. I’ve worked on in-house comms teams, as an agency sub­con­trac­tor, inde­pen­dent free­lancer and agency-side. There’s always room to learn how to run your agency/​businesses bet­ter and that’s why I want­ed to be a part of the Dig­i­tal PM Foun­da­tions pro­gram. After the first two ses­sions, I was able to bring back what I learned to my team and make our process­es so much more effi­cient. I also feel like this is the first time I’m man­ag­ing my sched­ule, and my sched­ule isn’t man­ag­ing me. Being more effi­cient means our scopes are clear­er, I feel more pre­pared for any client kick­offs and onboard­ing and I’m actu­al­ly work­ing with clients I love. Hon­est­ly, this is super cliché, but I real­ly wish I would have known about this pro­gram YEARS ago. If you are a free­lancer, this is a GAME CHANG­ER that will get your orga­nized. If you are an agency, invest­ing in this pro­gram for your AEs or AMs or PMs will trans­form your agency.

Com­par­ing our busi­ness before and after LT10 train­ing is like night and day. Before, I felt more inclined to micro­man­age, because we lacked the process­es in place for smooth projects. Trust was lack­ing; I was wor­ried things would fall through the cracks, and I was always ready for that phone call from a client telling us how we messed up. Now, I don’t wor­ry about projects. Most of the time, I don’t even think about project man­age­ment or the account ser­vice side of the busi­ness in gen­er­al. That frees me up to run our stu­dio and focus on cre­ative – which is what I’m sup­posed to be doing in the first place. We’ve always exud­ed con­fi­dence in our design, but now we’re con­fi­dent in our man­age­ment as well. Over­all, it makes our busi­ness feel more legit­i­mate and makes me feel great about our invest­ment with LT10.

Rachel’s capac­i­ty to bring calm and clar­i­ty to the storm of entre­pre­neur­ship, and man­ag­ing end­less projects, is calm­ing to the nerves and a breath of fresh air. Thank you for bring­ing ease, flow, and effec­tive­ness — and rein­vig­o­rat­ing the mission.

I took the Loud­er Than Ten Dig­i­tal PM Foun­da­tions course and high­ly rec­om­mend it! I had some infor­mal PM expe­ri­ence pri­or, but between the deep indus­try-spe­cif­ic course con­tent and the excel­lent instruc­tion from Abby, our train­er, I now have a much bet­ter grasp of Dig­i­tal Agency PM best prac­tices. Our com­pa­ny had grown quick­ly and was ready to tran­si­tion from a small loose group of con­trac­tors for one big client, to a larg­er more con­nect­ed team with robust PM sys­tems ready to expand our client base. This course was the per­fect fit, and Rachel and Travis have been amaz­ing­ly sup­port­ive, as have the oth­er stu­dents and alum­ni active in their Slack community.

Our expe­ri­ence with Loud­er Than Ten start­ed with a great expe­ri­ence col­lab­o­rat­ing with Good Work, a web devel­op­ment agency based out of Dal­las, Texas. Good Work’s con­fi­dent, but­toned-up approach to project man­age­ment was imme­di­ate­ly impres­sive and helped the project move smooth­ly and pre­cise­ly. When we asked them to tell us their secret, they point­ed us to Loud­er Than Ten’s project man­age­ment training.

The team at LT10 helped us intro­duce new process­es and improve exist­ing ones to not only refine our project man­age­ment but stream­line our agency as a whole. Our approach to client ser­vice is stronger, but more than that, our abil­i­ty to run our stu­dio as a busi­ness has sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved. Our esti­mates are more accu­rate to the size of the projects we bid. Our projects are more prof­itable. And we do it all with a sim­pler, more con­fi­dent approach that doesn’t just make us run bet­ter, but more eas­i­ly as well. The Loud­er Than Ten pro­gram has become more than a train­ing cur­ricu­lum – it’s an invest­ment in our busi­ness. And I can’t rec­om­mend it enough.

Loud­er Than Ten helped us with so many pieces beyond just project man­age­ment. At a firm like ours, every­thing effects every­thing else. Pric­ing effects tim­ing, meet­ings effect mar­ket­ing, work­flow effects pitch­ing. Not only did they help us train one of our team mem­bers into a project man­ag­er, but they helped advise our entire team on how to bet­ter inte­grate project man­age­ment into our entire process.

I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions pro­gram. I real­ly loved the train­er Abby and work­ing with Rachel and Travis. As a project man­ag­er for a dig­i­tal agency, their pro­gram helped me refine my skills and cre­ate a struc­tured on board­ing process for our agency. We began imple­ment­ing their method­olo­gies right away and saw pos­i­tive feed­back from our clients imme­di­ate­ly. The class sizes were small and you learn so much from your class­mates too. I rec­om­mend this pro­gram to any project man­ag­er out there.

Loud­er Than Ten’s Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course had a huge impact on my pro­fes­sion­al growth as a PM, and as a result, on our com­pa­ny as a whole. Our projects are run­ning more smooth­ly and prof­itably, and our clients are notic­ing. I’m grate­ful to be a part of such a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­ni­ty. Kudos to LT10 for all they’re doing to grow and sup­port lead­ers in our industry.

The bi-week­ly team work­shops we hold because of the Loud­er Than Ten pro­gram are the back­bone of our pro­fes­sion­al work cul­ture and have helped to bring cohe­sive­ness and a safe place for us to talk open­ly about process.

This is such an awe­some course. I keep telling peo­ple about how great it is to have train­ing that is so spe­cif­ic to the type of work I do every day. If I took a nor­mal project man­age­ment course, I would have to trans­late con­cepts and do extra work to under­stand how they apply to dig­i­tal projects. All that work is done for me so I can just focus on mak­ing real changes quick­ly. It’s so great!

Loud­er Than Ten helped us improve our process­es and be more for­ward think­ing in our deci­sions. As an indi­vid­ual I want­ed to become a more well-round­ed engi­neer who can self-man­age and think beyond code when it comes to plan­ning and mak­ing deci­sions about projects. Hav­ing fin­ished the pro­gram, both me and the com­pa­ny as whole believe we have achieved these goals, and learned many oth­er things along the way. The Loud­er Than Ten crew are very sup­port­ive, thor­ough, and resource­ful. They tru­ly care about the suc­cess of their appren­tices with­in the teams and as individuals.

As a once-dis­or­ga­nized entre­pre­neur, Loud­er Than Ten’s appren­tice­ship was instru­men­tal in not only help­ing me run my busi­ness like a grown-up, but also opti­miz­ing it for effi­cien­cy and bal­ance. The invest­ment paid for itself in many ways.

Loud­er Than Ten is fan­tas­tic, we worked with them from our first project man­ag­er, and we went back with our sec­ond. Stop read­ing reviews and start a con­ver­sa­tion with them, you won’t regret it.

I am one of Loud­er Than Ten’s first stu­dents. I was over the moon at the oppor­tu­ni­ty to study in their pro­gram and I’m even proud­er to be one of their alum­ni. I can say with­out hes­i­ta­tion, that they deliv­ered EVERY­THING they promised and then some. They com­pre­hen­sive­ly cov­ered all the con­tent in their stat­ed cur­ricu­lum, and addressed what­ev­er top­ics we need­ed to add along the way – and then – made sure that we were able to relate (and apply) the mate­r­i­al back to our spe­cif­ic work envi­ron­ments. Class­mates from around the globe work togeth­er and inde­pen­dent­ly on week­ly assign­ments. Three weeks into the class we were func­tion­ing as one big fam­i­ly sup­port­ing each oth­er in ways that stu­dents often do in tra­di­tion­al class­room settings.

Par­tic­i­pa­tion in this course is a big com­mit­ment and one that has paid off 110%. Whether you are just learn­ing about Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment or upping your game to stay cur­rent – I can­not rec­om­mend this pro­gram or the peo­ple who admin­is­ter it high­ly enough.

As a busi­ness own­er myself, I final­ly under­stand the pow­er behind pro­fes­sion­al­ly trained project managers.

Loud­er Than Ten’s, dig­i­tal project man­age­ment appren­tice­ship is at the fore­front of our expand­ing dig­i­tal age. It offers online edu­ca­tion that brings man­agers up to stan­dards with today’s dig­i­tal agency demands.

Kenji Rodriguez Owner at Gamomo

Loud­er Than Ten was instru­men­tal in help­ing us grow our tal­ent at The Scenery. From the first ini­tial meet­ing, I knew our peo­ple would be in good hands. They have the right aware­ness of all the skills that a great PM needs; this can be such a chal­leng­ing role, but Loud­er Than Ten real­ly gets all of the aspects and imparts them to their appren­tices. Don’t think twice about invest­ing in your peo­ple. It was worth every pen­ny for our busi­ness, and we quick­ly saw the ROI.

My appren­tice­ship with Loud­er Than Ten was a con­di­tion of my first year of employ­ment as a new Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er and I’m for­ev­er grate­ful that was the case. I can­not imag­ine start­ing my PM jour­ney with­out them because their exper­tise, care, com­mu­ni­ty, train­ing, and resources put the imposter syn­drome at ease.

If you’re a new PM, a sea­soned PM, or hir­ing a PM, do your­self jus­tice and vis­it their site and/​or at least con­nect with them. Loud­er Than Ten has sup­port­ed me through my jour­ney of learn­ing dig­i­tal project man­age­ment in the agency space and has con­tin­ued sup­port­ing me post agency. Rachel, Travis, and team go beyond the class­room and that’s why they’re the best because they gen­uine­ly care about you, your suc­cess, and the suc­cess of your company.

Work­ing togeth­er with Loud­er Than Ten on grow­ing our in-house tal­ent has been an amaz­ing jour­ney and part­ner­ship. The com­pa­ny does­n’t just focus on the stu­dent alone but takes the whole orga­ni­za­tion and work envi­ron­ment into account. We have been active­ly sup­port­ed along­side the stu­dent and have received per­son­al men­tor­ing as well. Loud­er Than Ten keeps devel­op­ing new mate­r­i­al and pro­vid­ing new edu­ca­tion­al offer­ings that are tai­lored to the Dig­i­tal Agency world and we can’t wait to send anoth­er team mem­ber and take full advan­tage of it.

Liv Kroemer-Rensch Director of Delivery at Domain7

Loud­er than Ten’s project man­age­ment appren­tice­ship pro­gram led to real changes in our work. With these new tools in our hands, we’re find­ing our­selves steer­ing more eas­i­ly around poten­tial prob­lems, and towards oppor­tu­ni­ties for the busi­ness. To make change with­out hav­ing to give up the things we love about how we work has only made things bet­ter. We’re more orga­nized and effec­tive, but just as cre­ative and hav­ing as much fun as ever.

Lets face it – Project Man­age­ment – even adher­ing to the best stan­dards, in the savvi­est orga­ni­za­tion – is a crazy tough career choice. It requires a skill set split some­where between ruth­less com­pas­sion and a dogged com­mit­ment to process. Flex­i­bil­i­ty is the out­come of struc­ture – and find­ing that bal­ance is the art.

Maybe one’s sim­ply born with some of what’s essen­tial – the innate abil­i­ty to dri­ve a team and a project to the fin­ish line – that per­fect blend of servant’s heart” and bad ass. But, what about the rest of the equa­tion? How does one real­ly learn to facil­i­tate an effec­tive dis­cov­ery, or cre­ate a mas­ter­ful project plan that steers direct­ly at a sol­id work­flow and stream­lined com­mu­ni­ca­tion? How do you learn the music that lets you dance to bud­get con­straints with one foot and while ener­giz­ing cre­ativ­i­ty from your team with the oth­er? There is a crit­i­cal learned com­po­nent to Project Man­age­ment. And with­out it, striv­ing to make clients hap­py can be very painful.

Loud­er Than Ten has been instru­men­tal for me. Even after being a Project Man­ag­er for 10 years, I was still woe­ful­ly short on some of the crit­i­cal skills need­ed to be a tru­ly effec­tive Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er. I learned what my col­leagues had shared, but those skills nev­er approached the nuanced details of con­sis­tent­ly dri­ving a Dig­i­tal Project.

Rachel and Travis not only filled in the gaps by teach­ing a com­pre­hen­sive set of DPM apti­tudes – but also weav­ing in a healthy dose of human-cen­tered val­ues – the ones need­ed to relate to all those humans we have to deal with on a day to day basis.

I lean con­fi­dent­ly on the teach­ings and the val­ues they instilled in us as stu­dents and col­leagues. My depth of resources and lev­el of under­stand­ing is infi­nite­ly more com­pre­hen­sive than before I entered the pro­gram. Not only do I know the dif­fer­ence between a thriv­ing, grow­ing dig­i­tal busi­ness and one that nev­er makes grade, but I can con­fi­dent­ly part­ner with agency own­ers and their sales team to gen­er­ate high per­form­ing, PROF­ITABLE projects.

The thing is – Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment means some­thing dif­fer­ent to every busi­ness. The job role is increas­ing­ly tak­ing on a com­bi­na­tion — Agile mind­ed, com­mu­ni­ca­tions savvy, tech­ni­cal­ly aware mind­set that dri­ves projects from plan­ning to fruition. LT10 doesn’t gen­tly skate across that ter­rain. The cur­ricu­lum dives deep into those top­ics that posi­tion their stu­dents to take on dif­fi­cult chal­lenges by ask­ing the ques­tions that help dri­ve toward solu­tions. AND, when the chal­lenges are spe­cif­ic, LT10 is there to part­ner with the stu­dent and the busi­ness to devise solu­tions and adapt train­ing for sus­tain­able prof­itable outcomes.

There’s clear­ly no short­age of chal­lenge in the dig­i­tal land­scape. When I reached out to LT10, I had no idea how my entire mind­set would shift on a par­al­lel track with my skill set. My con­fi­dence now comes part­ly from what I know, some­what from the ques­tions I’ve learned to ask, large­ly from the rela­tion­ships I build, a lot from the busi­ness prac­tices I’ve devel­oped and great­ly from the teams I support.

This is the out­come of my time with Loud­er Than Team.

Patti Epstein Turner Media

Dig­i­tal project man­age­ment is the cor­ner­stone of an agen­cies oper­a­tion, you’ll nev­er regret lev­el­ling-up this discipline.

The Loud­er Than Ten project man­age­ment course is an incred­i­bly rig­or­ous and well thought out jour­ney through every aspect of dig­i­tal project lead­er­ship. The team works tire­less­ly to improve and iter­ate on the syl­labus and are always there to sup­port their stu­dents in times of need. PM is about so much more than sched­ul­ing and box-tick­ing, and the sheer breadth of con­tent on the course has left me equipped to deal with a huge­ly var­ied role in the dig­i­tal agency I work at. PM is as much about man­ag­ing peo­ple as it is projects, and this course has giv­en me the tools to do both.

At least one per­son in par­tic­u­lar in any young com­pa­ny needs to have gone through this pro­gram. Oth­er­wise, you’re wast­ing a lot of time and money.

Kyle Guilfoyle Founder at Achoo Media

I don’t even know if I could say I was a real project man­ag­er before I took the appren­tice­ship as I’m pret­ty sure the projects man­aged me. Loud­er Than Ten trans­formed Good Work’s inter­nal and client-fac­ing process­es, and we’re already see­ing pos­i­tive rev­enue results in less than a year. Per­son­al­ly, it gave me the con­fi­dence to tack­le projects as a part­ner with our clients and com­mu­ni­cate in a way that laid a sol­id foun­da­tion for projects to move effi­cient­ly and successfully.

The amount of infor­ma­tion this course con­tains is absolute­ly mind­blow­ing. The con­tent is so thor­ough and incred­i­bly well thought out. Rachel is a fan­tas­tic teacher as well — she is incred­i­bly sup­port­ive and encour­ag­ing, as well as chal­leng­ing to the students.

The Loud­er Than Ten appren­tice­ship has been phe­nom­e­nal. I have noth­ing but great things to say about it. It has been career chang­ing for me.

I fell into project man­age­ment by acci­dent and I’ve always felt kind of unsteady in it. Going through the pro­gram gave me a firm, researched foun­da­tion for this role that gives me the con­fi­dence to do my job 1000x better.

Now I have con­fi­dence in what I’m talk­ing about. What I’m sug­gest­ing is found­ed, test­ed, and a proven good prac­tice for the bet­ter­ment of our orga­ni­za­tion. The pro­gram gave me a foun­da­tion to do my job well and to have the pow­er to stand up for what I believe in. It gave me a com­mu­ni­ty of sup­port, and a way to think through issues I did­n’t have before.

I would go through the appren­tice­ship all over again, and would high­ly rec­om­mend it to any­one con­sid­er­ing it.

The team at Loud­er Than Ten has been instru­men­tal in help­ing us nail down our client fac­ing process­es so we can run a health­i­er, more sus­tain­able com­pa­ny. In less than a year, we’re aver­ag­ing 22% prof­it on projects (com­pared to when we were break­ing even) and we’re already exceed­ing our rev­enue goals this year. The pro­gram is incred­i­bly use­ful — we’re already plan­ning to put a sec­ond PM through in the near future so they learn great habits up front.

I can say with­out doubt, this pro­gram has cre­at­ed fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ties for our team to grow and pros­per. The Loud­er Than Ten crew are focused and car­ing in their under­stand­ing of the mod­ern work­place and need for qual­i­ty PM. High­ly recommended.

In my quest to become a project man­ag­er in dig­i­tal, I’ve learned how to put peo­ple first before tools and tech­nol­o­gy, process­es and sys­tems. By far, the coolest super­pow­er I’ve gained is the abil­i­ty to mit­i­gate red flags, which are fun­da­men­tal­ly about peo­ple. The pro­gram arms us with a clear under­stand­ing, and the Loud­er than Ten tribe sup­ports you with real-time expe­ri­ences. We find bet­ter ways to work togeth­er and this knowl­edge tran­scends domain exper­tise, busi­ness ver­ti­cals or indus­tries. I’m grate­ful for the cama­raderie, the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow as a lov­able hard ass, and the abil­i­ty to invent the future. I can’t speak high­ly enough about my expe­ri­ence in the program.

Loud­er Than Ten has always tak­en the time to under­stand the unique ways in which we work at Meta­L­ab while using their great under­stand­ing of project man­age­ment, strong facil­i­ta­tion skills, and abil­i­ty to con­nect with each indi­vid­ual to help us lev­el up as a team.

The time we spent work­ing and learn­ing with Loud­er Than Ten will con­tin­ue to guide us for the next few years. Rachel’s abil­i­ty to trans­late her PM knowl­edge into real teach­able moments gave us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect on our own prac­tices, both the good and the bad, with­out ever feel­ing like she was judg­ing us. She remained sup­port­ive and pos­i­tive through­out the entire process, cre­at­ing a trust­ing and safe space for my lead­er­ship team to learn and grow togeth­er. If you’re look­ing to part­ner with some­one who will leave you feel­ing smarter and more empow­ered to man­age any project sit­u­a­tion that comes your way, Loud­er Than Ten is the answer.

I’ve learned more in the four weeks of class about com­mu­ni­ca­tion than I have in five years of being a freelancer.

With­out a doubt, Loud­er Than Ten has pro­duced an instru­men­tal shift in our busi­ness. By pro­vid­ing a deep under­stand­ing of how project man­agers can work effec­tive­ly and prof­itably on a team, Loud­er Than Ten has giv­en us the tools we need to take our agency to the next lev­el. Hav­ing worked with many project man­agers on both sides of client ser­vices, I can say with­out hes­i­ta­tion that the lev­el of work our PM is doing after a few short months with Loud­er Than Ten is miles ahead of indus­try norms. We’ve seen our most prof­itable year ever, and we know that Loud­er Than Ten played no small role in that.

Justin Sainton Zao

Before work­ing with Loud­er Than Ten, I felt like we were always strug­gling with time­lines and expec­ta­tions… We had con­tracts but items would always come up dur­ing projects that stretched out of scope, so we were doing a lot of extra uncom­pen­sat­ed work. Loud­er Than Ten helped me tight­en up our project man­age­ment process so that the client expe­ri­ence was as good as the final prod­uct we provide.

Instead of read­ing a thou­sand arti­cles, take this work­shop. Prac­ti­cal, enter­tain­ing — and it devel­ops var­i­ous con­tent skills through a sin­gle nar­ra­tive. It’s amaz­ing how a few small details you learn about your tar­get audi­ence can turn your con­tent upside down.

Rachel and Travis, thank you for cre­at­ing this mas­ter­piece of a work­shop! I don’t know if you put kryp­tonite into the cof­fee, but walk­ing out, I real­ly felt empow­ered to deliv­er super­con­tent. You rock!

A visu­al jour­ney to the moon that chal­lenged our pre­con­cep­tions about text and graph­ics and taught us to be bet­ter writ­ers and smarter designers.

In the age of con­tent (mar­ket­ing) over­load, strong visu­al designs are more impor­tant than ever. The need to be noticed and ulti­mate­ly sup­port your mes­sage. Lead­ing by exam­ple, Rachel and Travis (the orga­niz­ers) took us on a jour­ney where atten­dees got to explore and prac­tice the devel­op­ment of strong mes­sag­ing sup­port­ed by cre­ative designs.

I attend­ed the work­shop with a lot of pre­con­cep­tions about good design and con­tent — boy was I wrong. Rachel and Travis led us on a jour­ney through mod­ern design prin­ci­ples, chal­leng­ing us to think out­side the box rather than falling into the trap of adopt­ing gener­ic design trends. I learned so much and have become an advo­cate for smarter graph­i­cal design with­in my own company.

Rachel strikes the per­fect bal­ance between project man­ag­er and teacher; she knows her stuff and can com­mu­ni­cate it in an unfor­get­table way. I first heard her speak at a con­fer­ence in 2013 and I can still quote most of that talk today. Since then, we have col­lab­o­rat­ed many times — as co-pre­sen­ters, con­sul­tants, and writ­ers — and each time she has pro­duced a bit of mag­ic that sticks in peo­ple’s brains and changes the way they think and act.

It’s not a great idea until you can influ­ence peo­ple to appre­ci­ate it. That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned from Rachel and the par­tic­i­pants — they made the group activ­i­ties fun and plan­ning a project that much easier.

I went to the work­shop to learn from expe­ri­enced Project Man­agers on build­ing out effi­cient process. I came away with that, new friends, a larg­er net­work, and a healthy com­mu­ni­ty that sup­port­ed me through the process implementation.

Sean Daniel Product Manager

The PM con­sult is not at all a cook­ie cut­ter appli­ca­tion of mar­ket­ing or indus­try speak, but a real work­ing ses­sion to under­stand and help with what­ev­er is at hand. Rachel is a great lis­ten­er, and does a mar­velous job of syn­the­siz­ing the details of your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion to devel­op rel­e­vant, use­ful sug­ges­tions point­ing to a path for­ward. I would high­ly rec­om­mend for any PM or team that’s stymied on projects or PM process to reach out — a ses­sion with Rachel is a very use­ful tool to have in your kit.

Rachel is a life saver! I was drown­ing in client emails, drop­ping projects, and my con­tracts and forms were a hot mess. With­in two weeks, Rachel helped me smooth out any com­mu­ni­ca­tion rip­ples and set up a work­flow that made sense and max­i­mized my time. She also showed me how to cre­ate a con­tract that would pro­tect me from red flag clients and point me in the direc­tion of my busi­ness goals. I had hon­est­ly lost hope and could­n’t be more grate­ful for her time and dedication.

We engaged Loud­er Than Ten at a piv­otal point in our company’s dig­i­tal evo­lu­tion. We were able to quick­ly iden­ti­fy our pain points as an orga­ni­za­tion and put solu­tions in place that tru­ly impact­ed change. They were very thought­ful in their approach and pro­vid­ed sound rec­om­men­da­tions that allowed us to embrace col­lab­o­ra­tion and col­lec­tive intel­li­gence, while opti­miz­ing our efforts as a business.

Work­ing with Rachel & Travis is the shit. We’ve col­lab­o­rat­ed on projects of var­ied scope and unique chal­lenges, and each time they made mag­ic, with feet firm­ly plant­ed in busi­ness goals and hearts focused on cre­ative solu­tions and human beings. Through stel­lar project man­age­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­tion they bridged our geo­graph­i­cal gaps between Berlin and Van­cou­ver so it felt like we were stu­dio mates. I could­n’t offer a more glow­ing rec­om­men­da­tion. This is the dream team!

Rachel & Travis were crit­i­cal to the suc­cess of our glob­al rebrand­ing project. They were able to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful and ver­sa­tile UI kit for us with min­i­mal input from man­age­ment on a very tight time­line. The UI kit has proven to be invalu­able, great­ly ben­e­fit­ing not only our web­site, but our inter­nal appli­ca­tions and col­lat­er­al as well. Work­ing with Rachel and Travis was an absolute treat.

I didn’t know I was look­ing for Rachel until I found her. In an abyss of irrel­e­vant PMP® blogs, Loud­er Than Ten’s styl­ish and snarky site felt famil­iar. Rachel’s abil­i­ty to under­stand, encour­age, and sup­port my chal­lenges made her feel like my life coach and work spouse in one. Wher­ev­er you are, Rachel tru­ly con­nects with you, tak­ing the time to con­sid­er your chal­lenges and share her strengths. Hey DPMs — this is one asset you bet­ter prioritize!

Work­ing with Loud­er Than Ten was far and away the most fun part of get­ting my new busi­ness up and run­ning. Rachel has a real knack for project man­age­ment and set clear goals for every­one in the group. With her on your team, it feels like fail­ure is not even an option.

Travis came up with some incred­i­bly clever designs for the logo and I feel like he had a stroke of genius when he blend­ed a few of my favorite ideas into the per­fect design. Thanks to Travis, my web­site, busi­ness cards, let­ter­head, and brand­ing all tell a sto­ry about me and how I do busi­ness. I look for­ward to work­ing with Loud­er Than Ten again and would absolute­ly rec­om­mend them.

Our expe­ri­ence work­ing with Loud­er Than Ten has been very pos­i­tive. We hired them over 4 years ago to cre­ate our web­site and they have been pro­vid­ing updates and have been host­ing the site since then. They responds to all of our requests quick­ly and they’re great at com­mu­ni­cat­ing how long we can expect updates to take. We are based in dif­fer­ent cities and that has nev­er been a con­cern; our expec­ta­tions are always met. They are cre­ative, orga­nized, and a plea­sure to work with!

In a word… amaz­ing. Jeff and I spent about ten min­utes in a meet­ing this week just mar­vel­ling at how well Rachel cap­tured the soul of who we are as a company.

Travis is a mas­ter of typog­ra­phy, design and lay­out. His work helped us estab­lish a unique per­son­al­i­ty for our iPhone pod­cast app, Cas­tro. We were so hap­py with the results that we hired him again for Cas­tro 2.

Also, he’s pret­ty and his beard always smells great.

Rachel’s approach to project man­age­ment is a crit­i­cal aspect to oper­at­ing a suc­cess­ful design biz. Poten­tial­ly the most impor­tant aspect con­sid­er­ing your core job in design is to man­age suc­cess­ful projects for clients. Loud­er Than Ten asks the right ques­tions, drills into the impact of sol­id rela­tion­ships, and works into the core of run­ning awe­some projects. It also helps that they are rad peo­ple – the type that you want to col­lab­o­rate with and have work­ing with your team.

Loud­er Than Ten’s tal­ent — Rachel and Travis — have honed their project man­age­ment skills using process cre­ation, refine­ment and prac­ti­cal application.

Work­ing with Travis and Rachel Gertz is a true plea­sure. They’re pas­sion­ate about deliv­er­ing informed, qual­i­ty work which bal­ances end users’ needs with busi­ness goals yet remain affa­ble and com­mu­nica­tive through­out a project’s span. The dig­i­tal design and devel­op­ment indus­try is bet­ter because of them.

Rachel and Travis are the best kind of peo­ple: smart, kind, cre­ative and hard work­ing. Oh and fun. They’re a plea­sure to be around, and so full of ideas and ener­gy it’s both inspir­ing and con­ta­gious. Their abil­i­ty to mix fun, inge­nu­ity and elbow grease into things always seems to result in the unique, at times very enter­tain­ing, and always effective.

Sure, she can man­age bud­gets and Gantt charts with the best of them, but most projects are won and lost in the realm of peo­ple. Rachel has an uncan­ny abil­i­ty to under­stand peo­ple — team mem­bers and clients alike — and then turn that knowl­edge into project suc­cess. She’s also pret­ty tena­cious, so if a project just needs some heads-down hard work, she’s good for that, too.

It was a thor­ough plea­sure to work with Rachel and Travis on our lat­est web­site project. They were knowl­edge­able, very respon­sive and empa­thet­ic to our needs as a client. Rachel was a superb project man­ag­er and was on top of every detail. Travis’ tech­ni­cal capa­bil­i­ty and easy-going demeanor made him a plea­sure to work with every step of the way. A great team (and a cute couple)!

Rachel has that rare gift of con­ta­gious opti­mism. She’s able to speak to clients in a way that answers their con­cerns with­out hurt­ing the team or the goals of the project. I’ve seen her share her expe­ri­ences with a crowd and watch the audi­ence get it imme­di­ate­ly. She’s a nat­ur­al born teacher.

Rachel has a true devo­tion to the craft of dig­i­tal project man­age­ment. Between her work as a DPM and train­er, and her expe­ri­ence talk­ing about it, she rec­og­nizes that it’s an art more than a science.

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